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Beyond the Physical: Maithuna vs. Sex and the Ramifications of Ignorance

Embrace the Sacred Union of Body, Mind, and Spirit

Shiva Parvati | Loving Embrace
Shiva Parvati | Loving Embrace

In our contemporary society, the term "sex" often evokes images of physical pleasure and transient encounters. Yet, rooted within the ancient scriptures of Sanatana Dharma lies a concept far surpassing mere physicality: Maithuna. Defined not solely by carnal desires but by profound spiritual connection and intimate union, Maithuna stands as a beacon of the depth and richness of human sexuality. This exploration aims to unveil the stark disparities between Maithuna and conventional Sex, shedding light on the consequences that stem from neglecting its significance. Through this journey, let's unravel the transformative potential of comprehending Maithuna, guiding human-beings towards deeper fulfilment and genuine connection in relationships.

Let us delve into the myriad pathways through which one can explore and comprehend Sex, sexual intercourse, sexual intimacy, sexual pleasure, and the sacred union that fosters spiritual upliftment.

  1. Science - Biology, Psychology, Modern/Greek Philosophy

  2. History of English Language, Origin of the word "Sex"

  3. Religious Books - Bible, Quran

  4. Porn Material

  5. Sexual Abuse

  6. Ancient Scriptures of Hindus - Kama Shastras like Kama Sutra, Rati Rahasya & Dharmasutras

1. Science - Biology, Psychology, Modern/Greek Philosophy

Many people have learned about Sex through scientific studies and by exploring themselves, so let's leave the scientific aspect, which is mostly about reproductive organs and their functioning. Psychology has reached the level of understanding only its mental and emotional factors, and nothing beyond physical has been described through Greek/Modern Philosophy.

Biology | Ovum & Sperm
Biology | Ovum & Sperm

2. History of English Language: Origin of the word Sex

The word "sex" originates from the Latin word "sexus," which means "division" or "gender." It has been used in English since the 14th century to classify organisms into male and female categories based on their reproductive functions. The term "sex" refers to the biological characteristics that define male and female organisms and the activities related to sexual reproduction.

Vatican Museum
Vatican Museum

Whenever people say that they are having sex, it means they are having "division". The meaning of "division" is inherent in the term sex.

This is precisely the opposite of the Sanskrit term "Maithuna". In Sanskrit, the term "Maithuna" (मैथुन) encompasses more than the mere physical act of intercourse. It is rooted in ancient scriptures and philosophical texts.

Maithuna embodies a Sacred Union between two individuals, transcending the boundaries of the physical realm to attain spiritual communion.

3. Religious Books

Meaning of Sex in the Bible:

In the Bible, discussions related to sexuality, including Sex, are primarily found in both the Old and New Testaments. The Bible provides supposed guidance on sexual ethics, marriage, and relationships.

  1. Genesis 1:27: "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them."

    1. < What about transgenders & others, the whole LGBTQIA+?>

    2. <Ancient Hindu texts talk about 4500 different types of human beings being born in different time cycles (Yugas) and that the same creator has also created them. Subtleties & nuances of genders are not just physiological but subtle and other dimensional as well, hence there is an acceptability of all kinds of human-beings & sacred-union between them.>

  2. 1 Corinthians 7:3-5: "The husband should fulfil his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. The wife has no authority over her body but yields it to her husband. Do not deprive each other except perhaps by mutual consent and for a time so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control."

    1. <Meaning woman are "lesser beings" and not in self-control & control of their physical body>

    2. <Adam (Man) was tempted, and Woman was created as a result of Sin.>

    3. < Desire for pleasure is a Satanic Temptation>

    4. <Married couples do not need to have self-control, but they must have it otherwise. This never works as per Scientific studies; neurons & chemicals in the body remain the same, and excess of any activity leads to degeneration physically and psychologically.>

  3. Song of Solomon (Song of Songs): This book in the Old Testament is often interpreted as an allegory of God's love for His people or Christ's love for the Church. It contains poetic descriptions of romantic love and physical Desire between a man and a woman.

    1. <It is just physical Desire>

    2. <It is Raga (emotional love)>

    3. <Indirectly analogous with Christ's love for Church>

Meaning of Sex in the Quran:

In Islam, discussions about sexuality, including sex, are found in the Quran, the central religious text of Islam, and the Hadith, the sayings and actions of Prophet Muhammad.

  1. Quran 2:223: "Your wives are a place of sowing of seed for you, so come to your place of cultivation however you wish and put forth for yourselves. And fear Allah and know that you will meet Him. And give good tidings to the believers."

    1. <Wives, Women are mere flesh & bones for sowing seeds by men>

    2. <Man can approach a woman for sex "however he wishes," & that includes all brutal ways and complete disregard of respect for Woman>

    3. The woman is a "place for cultivation", not a human being or sentient being>

    4. <Fear Allah - God is someone to be feared, especially his wrath if you are not using Women/Wives for sowing seeds and using them as a "place for cultivation>

  2. Hadith of Sahih Muslim, Book 8, Hadith 3467: Hadith narrates Prophet Muhammad's teachings on sexual ethics and the importance of satisfying one's spouse's sexual needs within marriage.

    1. <Sexual needs being treated as mere physical needs>

Likewise, you can find many more references in the Bible and Quran & other books of Christianity and Islam about women and Sex.

Generally, in both the Bible or Christianity and the Quran or Islam, Sex is viewed as:

  1. Inspired by Satan, tempestuous

  2. For the pleasure of man only and not Woman

  3. Within the bounds of marriage only means Church's father, brother and nuns have to rely on controlling it or, as is historically evident through abuse in Churches & cases of paedophilia.

  4. To have a child, a woman is a place for cultivation

  5. Means of Woman's abasement if she attempts to have pleasure from it

  6. Means of Woman's dehumanisation if Sex is outside the marriage or without marriage

  7. No aspect of divinity in Sex

  8. There is no aspect of even considering it a normal biological need for a man and Woman to both.

  9. Sex as a punishment for Women & Children, especially if they are from another religion/faith

  10. Masturbation is a sin!

  11. No mental-emotional or psychologically healthy aspect of Sex

  12. There is no Divine aspect of Sex as a sacred union

  13. Nothing about other gender's (LGBTQIA+) requirements of sacred union through Sex

4. Porn Material

The majority of the world's population adheres to Christianity and Islam, and the teachings of the Bible and the Quran often shape their initial understanding of Sex. However, much of their subsequent knowledge is influenced by pornographic materials. This shift in learning distorts psychological needs and the knowledge of relationships, stripping away the divinity and sacredness of sexual union. Instead, it fosters the objectification of the body, promoting cruelty and deriving pleasure through pain, which undermines the profound, spiritual connection that Sex can embody.

Porn makes people numb, and by prioritising physical pleasure over emotional intimacy and spiritual connection, individuals risk perpetuating shallow and unfulfilling relationships devoid of genuine depth and meaning.

Moreover, neglecting the spiritual dimension of Maithuna can contribute to feelings of emptiness, dissatisfaction, and disconnection from oneself and others.

5. Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse profoundly shapes the psychology of Sex in children, men, and women, leaving deep emotional scars that distort their understanding and fulfilment of sexual desires. For children, such traumatic experiences can lead to confusion, fear, and mistrust regarding sexuality, impacting their development and future relationships. In men and women, the trauma of sexual abuse often results in feelings of shame, guilt, and worthlessness, which can manifest as difficulties in forming healthy intimate relationships. This emotional turmoil disrupts their ability to experience sexual fulfilment, as the abuse distorts their perceptions of love, trust, and consent. The psychological disturbances caused by sexual abuse can lead to anxiety, depression, and PTSD, creating significant barriers to achieving a healthy, fulfilling, and consensual sexual life.

Bitter Truth: More than half of the world's total population has experienced sexual abuse at one point of time in their life.

Source: WHO, CDC, NIH & UN

Most of these people never heal. They do not know how to. Only Ayurveda provides a holistic approach to heal such trauma. Modern medicine & Psychology does not.

Bitter Truth: Many, though not all, survivors of sexual abuse tragically perpetuate the cycle, often becoming perpetrators of similar crimes themselves as evident from police case files & various research journals.


  • Finkelhor, D. (1984). Child Sexual Abuse: New Theory and Research

  • Widom, C. S. (1989). The Cycle of Violence. Science, 244(4901), 160-166

  • Jenkins, P. (2004). Moral Panic: Changing Concepts of the Child Molester in Modern America

  • Widom, C. S., & Ames, M. A. (1994). Criminal Consequences of Childhood Sexual Victimization

6. Ancient Scriptures of Hindus - Kama Shastras like Kama Sutra, Rati Rahasya & Dharmasutras

In Sanatana Dharma, as per Vedic Scriptures, Sex is referred to as "Maithuna" (मैथुन). The term encompasses the physical act of sexual intercourse and is often discussed within the broader context of human behaviour, spiritual practice, and social norms. In the Vedic and later Hindu texts, "Maithuna" is seen as a natural and essential part of human life and an act with significant spiritual and ethical implications. "Maithuna" (मैथुन) in the context of the Kama-Shastras such as the Kamasutra and other texts like the Ratirahasya is a comprehensive concept encompassing not just the physical act of sexual intercourse but also the emotional and spiritual aspects of sexual union, types of bodies, shapes & sizes of organs, types of pleasures for man and women and other genders, games of intimacy, eroticism, compatibility between partners, Dharmic and Spiritual aspects of it, raising consciousness & awareness.

While the English word "sex" often denotes a purely physical encounter, Maithuna encompasses a holistic approach to intimacy, incorporating emotional, psychological, and spiritual dimensions.

The Wisdom of Ancient Scriptures: Insights from the Vedas and Dharma Shastras

References to Maithuna can be traced back to the ancient scriptures of Sanatana Dharma, including the Vedas and Dharma Shastras. In the Atharva Veda, Shlokas elucidate the sanctity of marital union, emphasising the spiritual significance of Maithuna within the context of family life. Similarly, the Manusmriti, or Laws of Manu, delineates the duties and responsibilities of married individuals, highlighting the importance of Maithuna in upholding familial harmony and spiritual well-being.

The Kamasutra: Maithuna in the Context of Erotic Literature

Among the myriad texts exploring human sexuality, the Kamasutra stands as a testament to the intricate nuances of Maithuna. Authored by Vatsyayana, this ancient treatise delves into the art of lovemaking, detailing various techniques, positions, and the psychology of sexual pleasure.

Unlike modern notions of sex, the Kamasutra portrays Maithuna as a sacred and transformative experience, emphasising the role of mutual respect, intimacy, and spiritual connection between partners.

Kamasutra | Intimate Embrace
Kamasutra | Intimate Embrace


  1. Kamasutra by Vatsyayana: The Kamasutra, authored by Vatsyayana, is a renowned text on lovemaking intimacy, eroticism and sexual behaviour for divine upliftment. In this text, "Maithuna" is expounded upon, detailing various techniques, positions, and the art of lovemaking Kamasutra, Book 2, Chapter 2: Vatsyayana describes different forms of embraces, kisses, and sexual positions, underscoring the significance of mutual pleasure and understanding between partners.

    1. Kamasutra, Sutra 2.1.1: "अथातः सम्भोगक्रमं व्याख्यास्यामः" - "Athātaḥ sambhogakramam vyākhyāsyāmah" - "Now, therefore, the order of sexual union is to be explained."

  2. Ratirahasya by Kokkoka: The Ratirahasya, or the Secrets of Intimacy, is another significant text delving into the subtleties of sexual pleasure and union. Describes types of women and how to sexually & psychologically pleasure them, and how a man should learn all kinds of sexual arts so he can satisfy his partner.

    1. Ratirahasya, Chapter 1: Discusses the importance of compatibility and emotional connection between partners, stressing that Maithuna is not merely a physical act but a profound, intimate connection.

Sanatana Dharma and Vedic Principles:


As mentioned earlier, the four Purusharthas (Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha) delineate the pursuit of human goals. Kama, inclusive of sexual pleasure (Maithuna), is acknowledged as a legitimate aim when pursued with equilibrium and ethical (Dharmic) consideration.

Vedic Symbolism and Rituals:

In Vedic contexts, sexual union is often symbolised as a cosmic process, representing creation and the union of divine energies. For instance, certain rituals in the Atharva Veda employ symbolic language to depict the creation of life through the union of male and female principles.

Atharva Veda, Book 14, Strota 2: This book contains sutras related to marriage rituals and the sanctity of marital union, reflecting the spiritual dimension of maithuna.


  • In Tantric traditions, Maithuna is viewed as a sacred act capable of leading to spiritual enlightenment. It is part of the Panchamakara (five Ms) practices intended to transcend ordinary consciousness and attain unity with the divine.

  • Kularnava Tantra, Chapter 5, Verse 108: This chapter discusses Maithuna as a worship and spiritual practice method, highlighting its transformative potential.

Broadly speaking, ancient Hindu texts such as the Kama Shastras, Dharma Smritis, and Dharmasutras offer a profound depiction of Maithuna:

  1. Biological needs for men, women and others

  2. Psychological (mental & emotional) needs for men, women and others

  3. Need for Intimacy (Strong Bond/Connection beyond physical)

  4. Dharmic need for men and women for progeny

  5. Social need for couples in marriage

  6. A basis for a healthy marriage

  7. A way to attain the Spiritual Dimension

  8. Describes men's & women's types and bodies categorised by organ sizes, pleasure points, sexual behaviours and complete art & science of lovemaking.

  9. Women are given a higher place because their sexuality is eight times stronger than men, and it is explained how men must satisfy women before themselves.

  10. Compatibility between partners

  11. Ways of ejaculation to avoid unwanted pregnancies

  12. Art & Science of Maithuna must be learnt by all those who want to live a worldly life, married or unmarried, before entering the worldly life. So, they are happy & satisfied for a long time with one partner and do not have to live through casual sex and prostitution or commit crimes for having sex.

  13. Education in this subject was necessary for worldly people; Vairagi, Brahmachari, Sadhus and Sanyasis were exempt.

  14. Education was not just theoretical or symbolic but practical as well, especially for men as they have to deal with the complex body & nature of women

  15. A healthy society can be built through the healthy education of art & science of lovemaking

  16. Healing sexual abuse related Traumas from the body and mind

  17. Healing Sexual diseases

  18. Preventive measures to stay sexually healthy, physically & mentally

  19. Overcoming extreme desires in a healthy way

  20. Meditative practices can help one connect more with oneself to increase the depth and time of pleasure instead of increasing it through modern ways of various people, artificial objects, and such nonsense tantrums.

  21. Needs, biology, psychology and dynamics of LGBTQIA+ sexual unions

  22. And much more!

The better connected one is with oneself, the better one will be with one's partner, and the pleasure exchange, psychological bond and spiritual connection will be profound.

Modern Indian Society: National & Global

In the vast expanse of time, modern Indian society has witnessed a gradual erosion of its ancient cultural texts and teachings about Maithuna, replacing them with distorted and unhealthy modern Western ideas and ideologies of sex and sexual relationships. The rich and profound wisdom enshrined in scriptures such as the Kama Shastras, Dharma Smritis, and Dharmasutras, which celebrated Maithuna as a sacred union encompassing spiritual, emotional, and physical dimensions, has been overshadowed by a superficial and commodified understanding of sex.

When a young adult brings home and reads the Kamasutra or Ratirahasya, parents often react with taboo, alarm and objection, preferring to consider marriage for their child rather than engaging in a healthy discussion about the subject.

In most parent's mind, the youth or young adult is still a "child" not to be engaged in such discussions. Parents ignore the subtle signs of their child crossing the age where they are ready for such knowledge.

This reaction starkly contrasts with the parent's acceptance of their children silently watching porn on their mobile devices or reading pornographic material. This paradoxical stance fosters an environment where distorted and harmful notions of sexuality are assimilated rather than enlightening the youth with the profound and respectful understanding of intimacy and relationships that ancient texts like the Kamasutra offer. We are still waiting to see the day parents guide the youth and young adults at home to read these Kama Shastras and engage in healthy discussions. Education on this subject in a healthy way is not objected to.

This shift towards learning in an unhealthy way has led to a significant cultural and psychological dissonance. The holistic approach to sexual intimacy, which once fostered deep connections, mutual respect, and spiritual elevation, has been supplanted by a focus on physical gratification and objectification. The ancient ethos, which regarded sexual union as a pathway to transcendence and unity of body, mind, and spirit, has been overshadowed by a narrative that often promotes casual encounters devoid of emotional depth and spiritual significance.

The negative impact of this transformation is multifaceted. It has contributed to relationship fragmentation, increasing dissatisfaction and alienation among partners, desires of deriving sexual pleasure through molestation & abuse that too of children in the family & in the nearby society. Countless children, youth, young adults and even adults are sexually abused by adult relatives, employers, bosses & perpetrator having authority over victim, marital-rapes and such incidents rarely make it to the police complaint.

The commodification of sex has fostered a culture where the sacredness of the human body and the sanctity of intimate relationships is diminished, leading to a rise in issues such as infidelity, exploitation, abuse and a pervasive sense of emptiness. Furthermore, the psychological well-being of individuals is compromised as the focus shifts away from meaningful connections to transient pleasures, exacerbating feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and depression.

In essence, the departure from the profound teachings of Maithuna towards a distorted and fragmented understanding of sex has not only weakened the fabric of intimate relationships but also eroded the spiritual and emotional well-being of individuals within modern Indian society.

To reclaim this lost wisdom is to educate & embrace a more holistic, respectful, and spiritually fulfilling approach to sexual relationships, restoring balance and harmony to the human experience.

The Indian government has made concerted efforts to integrate sex education into the curricula of schools, colleges, and universities. Despite these initiatives, they have encountered formidable resistance at multiple levels, reflecting deep-seated cultural, societal, and institutional barriers that complicate the implementation process.


Sex Education Laws:

  • Adolescent Education Programme (AEP): Launched by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, it covers basic knowledge about human sexuality, reproductive health, and HIV/AIDS prevention.

  • Controversy and Resistance: Cultural sensitivity and regional differences lead to varied implementation; some states resist comprehensive sex education.

  • National Curriculum Framework (NCF): Recommends integrating sex education into the school curriculum, focusing on health and hygiene, emotional well-being, and responsible behaviour.

Modern Western Society

Religious teachings in churches and mosques have long distorted the perception of women and their bodies, eroding their inherent dignity. And through such teachings they have empowered men to do bad Karma & feel righteous about it. This degradation is further compounded by the pervasive influence of pornographic material and sexual exhibitions like SEXPOs in metropolitan areas. These influences perpetuate toxic ideas such as "Pleasure through Pain," "Objectification of the Body," "Animalistic Behaviour," "Artificial Objects," "Chemical Usage," and "Substance Abuse." Such distorted mindsets have fostered an alarming rise in sexual abuse, rapes, molestation, and brutality under the guise of sex. Instead of addressing and healing childhood sexual trauma, Western society has normalised the harmful association of pleasure with pain and brutality, leading to an increase in perpetrators and victims alike. The resultant culture undermines the sanctity of human relationships, perpetuating cycles of violence and suffering.

Western societies have largely missed the true essence of intimacy, leaving a void in their ability to connect genuinely, humanely, and respectfully with others. This profound loss of connection is starkly evident in their interactions with different cultures and civilisations, extending beyond the home to impact global dynamics. It manifests in a pervasive disregard for human dignity, where acts of rape and sexual brutality by soldiers are normalised, and the aggressive colonisation, sexual slavery and exploitation of other nations for political and commercial gain are deemed acceptable. This pervasive disconnection spreads like cancer, eroding the fabric of human relationships and perpetuating cycles of violence, slavery and domination.

Therefore, understand that healthy sexual education extends far beyond the personal sphere, profoundly influencing individual lives and relationships and shaping one's interactions with all living beings and the natural world. The ripple effects of such education permeate the very fabric of society, fostering a more profound sense of empathy, respect, and harmony on a global scale.

The governments of the USA, UK, and Australia have made significant efforts to implement sex education in schools and colleges. However, a lack of subject matter expertise persists, and the USA's emphasis on abstinence-only education has notably failed to benefit society.

United States

Sex Education Laws:

  • Varies by State: Sex education is not standardised at the federal level; states and local school districts have significant control.

  • Comprehensive vs. Abstinence-Only: Some states mandate comprehensive sex education, which includes information on contraception, STIs, and healthy relationships (e.g., California’s Education Code § 51933). Others emphasise abstinence-only education (e.g., Texas).

  • Parental Consent: In many states, parents have the right to opt their children out of sex education classes.

United Kingdom

Sex Education Laws:

  • Statutory Guidance (2019): Relationships Education is compulsory for primary schools, and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) is compulsory for secondary schools.

  • National Curriculum: RSE must cover topics such as consent, online safety, healthy relationships, and sexual health.

  • Parental Rights: Parents can withdraw their children from sex education up to three terms before the child turns 16, after which the child can choose to receive sex education.


Sex Education Laws:

  • Varies by State and Territory: Each state and territory has its own curriculum and guidelines.

  • Comprehensive Approach: Generally, sex education includes information on human development, relationships, personal skills, sexual behaviour, sexual health, and society and culture (e.g., the Australian Curriculum’s Health and Physical Education).

  • National Framework: The Australian Curriculum provides a national framework but allows states to adapt it to local needs.

Ignorant Parents in India & Western countries are one of the major hurdle for healthy sexual education as they have been brain-washed by religious & political ideologies.
Only if people around the world had been educated through Kama Shastras and Dharma Shastras, the suppression & annihilation of LGBTQIA+ and genders other than male & female would not have happened.

Maithuna and Modern Mindsets: Bridging Ancient Wisdom with Contemporary Perspectives

In today's fast-paced world, the sanctity of Maithuna is often overshadowed by societal norms and cultural taboos surrounding sex. However, by revisiting ancient wisdom and integrating it with modern understandings of psychology and human behaviour, we can begin to appreciate the profound implications of Maithuna on our well-being and relationships. Research in psychology suggests that meaningful connections and emotional intimacy, integral components of Maithuna, are essential for psychological fulfilment and overall happiness.

Body, Mind & Spirit
Body, Mind & Spirit

Embracing the Wisdom of Maithuna: Cultivating Deep Connection and Fulfilment

True intimacy is beyond physical
True intimacy is beyond physical


There is a massive gap in the modern world, where we do not have education institutions specialising in sexual education based on Kama Shastra, Dharma Sutras and Vedic Wisdom for Youth & Young Adults in any country. And if one were to even think about opening such an institution, they would be met with physical, psychological, constitutional and violent resistance by religiously, politically brainwashed people. And the lives of teachers & acharyas teaching at such institutions will always be in danger.

What a blind & sick world we live in? Where Porn is the Norm!

Where we have organisations to deal with the aftermath of uneducated masses perpetuating sexual abuse, trauma & crimes, but no healthy educational institutions to prevent these.

As parents & Adults in the modern world, know that if you are not teaching your child the right way, then there are many perpetrators and sick minds running chat rooms & forums on the World Wide Web where sexual pleasure achievement is taught through abuse, molestation and other criminal ways. Be mindful of such invisible, sexually predatory teachers.

As Parents

We want our sons to be respectful, sensitive and knowledgeable about women's bodies, energy, and mental-emotional dynamics to fulfil their responsibilities as future husbands and partners. We want our daughters to be adequately educated, understand the men's body, psychological wiring, and sexual dynamics, and be able to be good wives who weave intimacy and healthy relationships all around. It's crucial to emphasise that open communication and understanding are vital in fostering healthy familial connections and acceptance of LGBTQIA+ individuals. This promotes a more inclusive and accepting environment within the family. And should our sons & daughters choose to be in the LGBTQIA+, they are accepted and well-informed in their areas of sexual expression.

In light of the profound insights gleaned from ancient scriptures and contemporary research, embracing the wisdom of Maithuna offers a pathway to profound transformation and authentic connection. Humans living worldly lives can cultivate deeper fulfilment and genuine happiness by prioritising intimacy beyond physical, mutual respect, and spiritual communion in our relationships.

Through meditation, communication, and a willingness to explore the depths of our beings, worldly beings can embark on a journey towards profound self-discovery and profound connection with others.

Jay Shivay




In my catholic school they would always say that the serpent and the apple made Adam commit a sin and women were born out of sin. It would really bother me. It is sad that the original teachings have been twisted so badly as no enlightened being could have taught this. Thanks for throwing light on this topic. Much needed. Hope we raise our kids with more gyan. 🙏

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